
eSports Business EXPO 2024

From July 03, 2024 until July 05, 2024
ڪوٽو - ٽوڪيو بگ سائٽ، ٽوڪيو، جاپان
(مهرباني ڪري ٻه ڀيرا چيڪ ڪريو تاريخون ۽ جڳھ تي حاضر ٿيڻ کان اڳ ھيٺ ڏنل سرڪاري سائيٽ تي.)


This exhibition can help you with the following concerns and issues! This exhibition will resolve all issues as the participants will be gathered together. .

LIVEeNT is an annual live entertainment EXPO.This exhibition is composed of two parts: the general EXPO and the event specific EXPO.Event planners, music agencies and production companies as well as corporate advertising and sales promotion companies can all attend. You can meet exhibitors and conduct business on the spot.Last time, 13 639 people attended the three-day event and 143 companies were exhibited.We are currently recruiting exhibitors for our next exhibition (July 3 - 5, 2024).Download the free exhibition materials to learn more about exhibiting, booth occupancy and costs.

هڪ شو جتي توهان پيش ڪري سگهو ٿا پيداوار سامان، ٽڪيٽون، ۽ ٻيون خدمتون. پروموٽر، ميوزڪ ڪمپنيون، پيداوار جون سهولتون، وغيره.

A show where you can present event planning, venue, equipment/supplies and play equipment. to event organizers, planning/management companies, corporate advertising/promotions, facilities, etc.

ويو: 1849

ٽڪيٽن يا بوٿن لاءِ رجسٽر ٿيو

مهرباني ڪري رجسٽر ٿيو سرڪاري ويب سائيٽ eSports Business EXPO

جڳھ جو نقشو ۽ ھوٽل جي چوڌاري

ڪوٽو - ٽوڪيو بگ سائٽ، ٽوڪيو، جاپان ڪوٽو - ٽوڪيو بگ سائٽ، ٽوڪيو، جاپان


800 ڇڏي ويو